
We specialize in code. In particular Umbraco CMS. And our senior developers strive to write quality code delivered on time.

We are your trusted partner, because we know how to make business-critical solutions

At GORM Agency, we specialize in mobile and web development that bring value to our client and the client's customers. In short, we turn business-critical goals into code – and vice versa.

We understand the value of bridging people and technology from the beginning to end of the project. This "bridge" is pivotal for the development process, for the end product and for the following daily operations.

The process is crucial for getting the results you want

The process is crucial for your development project. At GORM Agency, we work tirelessly to get collaboration up and running. Great teamwork is the key for both the process and for the final solution.

When you work with us, we advise and lead you safely through a proven and refined work process. We cover everything from initial user surveys and analysis, UX and wireframes to clickable prototypes and final code. Our ways of working ensure that we use time and resources the best possible way.

In other words: You can feel reassured, because we lead you safely from A to Z (and beyond, if you would like!). Our expertise and insights into your business means that everything relevant is taken into consideration.

We work in-depth to formulate thorough requirement specifications for the website or app, as this is our common ground for the future work. A thorough requirement specification states what’s been agreed upon, our goals and what we can add in the future when your business develops.

Do you need a new website – or is the existing one too complex?

We are experts in delivering business-critical solutions that support the goals you have for your business. 

Our primary focus is to build completely new solutions from scratch. This is the case, for example, if you choose to change your CMS. In the process of building a new website, we use the most suitable systems and tools and make sure to stay ahead (this is good news as we consider where your business is going – the solution will be future-proof, if you wish). By taking into account where your business is going, you get more value for your money.

Besides working on new solutions, we take over existing solutions that have become too complex – for example, when a larger company’s website has grown exponentially without anyone having responsibility for the direction, meaning or limitations.

This calls for a strong work process and a fundamental problem-solving mentality. And it calls upon both our courage and experience to step in and fix the "mess" – so it once again becomes manageable, meaningful and user-friendly.

The best results are reached through teamwork 

It's one thing understanding an API. It’s a completely different matter to understand the underlying business model and organisational structure that your specific needs are based upon.

We deliver the best results when we work closely with you. We are able to understand your reality – whether it’s the marketing director, the IT director or a third party – on a different level.

We work with many different clients; from brands, companies and organisations with strong digital profiles, to other agencies that need a technological subcontractor or team player. Due to our competencies within UX, content and conversion and close collaboration with you, we can be your single point of contact.

The daily operations are as important as development

People are quick to raise a hand and suggest ideas when something new is being developed. Naturally, that’s a great starting point! But when development is reaching an end and its back to the daily operations, enthusiasm often diminishes. This is a pity. The daily operations after development are just as important as the development process itself.

When we have developed a solution together, we at GORM Agency are more than happy to maintain the ongoing operations. The requirements for maintaining a solution vary greatly, whether its optimization or troubleshooting, nearly all platforms need to be hosted and securely updated.

We make sure that the right support is always available and that you can reach us if a critical situation arises. We ensure this by providing you with a detailed service level agreement (SLA) so you know what is specifically agreed upon. This is an essential part of guaranteeing that our cooperation continues well.

We are specialists in Umbraco… but we do much more than that

We have specialized competencies in Umbraco CMS. We're certified Umbraco Gold Partner which is your guarantee that we know what we're doing. The certification testifies that you get quality code every time you work with us.

There are many benefits with Umbraco; it's open source, safe and many use it. However, we do not only abide to Umbraco. For us, it is about the goal before the system. We often code in other systems and languages and offer full integration with third-party systems.

Our ambition is simple: We strive – on every project – to combine extensive experience with the courage to go completely new ways. In doing so, we get the best possible results.

Are you considering Umbraco Cloud?

Perhaps you have a website in Umbraco CMS and are considering the benefits with a Umbraco Cloud setup? We often recommend Umbraco Cloud, as it delivers reliable performance and optimizes the workflow between developers and content creators.

If you have a specific project that you need input to or questions about how working with us would be like, then do not hesitate: Get in touch and we'll have an informal chat about your needs, challenges and wishes :-)

Søren Stemann Beck
CEO, Partner

You’re welcome to call me on +45 40717554 if you want to discuss digital transformation and how we can help your business. I’m looking forward to talking to you.

Do you want to know more?

Do you want to know more about development? Whether you need assistance with an app or a website, we're ready to step in. Fill out the form and we will get in touch with you soon.