DR Koncerthuset

Through structured analysis and data work, we make sure that DR Koncerthuset gain transparency into their sales and marketing efforts. 

It's not just about selling tickets to guests – even though sales are obviously crucial. It's just as much about understanding the users and their purchasing behavior so that marketing is both meaningful and profitable.

18,4 % growth in online revenue

We are dedicated to working on the best possible activities on social media, Google and e-mails. We do not just focus on one channel; we want them to make sense – and make sense connectedly.

At the same time, we optimize the website and purchasing flow to ensure it's user-friendly and meaningful.

Through a dedicated effort, we raised online sales by 18,4 % in the first 8 months of 2018 compared to the same period in 2017.

13,9 % more visitors on the website

A stronger presence leads to more visitors on DR Koncerthusets website. In the first 8 months of 2018, 13,9 % more visitors came by the website compared to the same period in 2017. And more visitors lead to more sales, which ultimately lead to more great musical experiences.